Open Choice Project-Kolesa

Open Choice Project-Kolesa Final Piece: Rough Drafting: Reference Pictures: Artist Inspiration: Leonardo da Vinci- He drew sketchy drawings in his sketchbooks. They were extremely detailed but simple. Description: The piece was done in graphite. It is a picture of my dog, Griffy. The coat is done in defined sketch marks. The face is very expression-ate of happiness. He is facing the right, and one paw is up while the others are down. Analysis: One principle is emphasis. The dog is in the middle and has an all white background.This is also an example of contrast. The dark coloring of the dog and the blank white background. A final principle is movement. The way I drew the fur, your eyes goes with the fur's direction. Interpretation: A dog is a worldly representation of unconditional love. They do not care whether you make a mistake, and they somehow know when you are experiencing a hard day. I wanted to capture my dog's smil...